Would you consider doing a post about what your twitter feed looks like or what you wake up and read immediately--a day in the reading life of Lauren?
The closing of this message included a postscript, which read:
PS: I got engaged over the holiday. A nice surprise.
Needless to say, I was much more determined to receive the proposal details than to talk reading. While the engagement specifics will remain private, I figured better late than never with my daily reading. I also called on some of my well-read wellness peers for their reading lists.
A day in the reading life of Lauren:
I do a blog hop many mornings. This includes cooking blogs, running blogs, yoga blogs and of course nutrition blog. When a new post is up, I get a little excited. Some of my favorite blogs include:
I also get the NY Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal on my kindle. I love Tuesday’s Personal Journal in the WSJ and of course the Science and Dining Times in the NY Times.
On Twitter, I always check out @Blisstreedotcom, @MarionNestle, @TheAtlanticFood, @The_Stir, @AmyTaraKoch.
And there’s generally a “real” book or 2 in the mix I’m now enjoying (by the fire) Poser by Claire Dederer and also reading Keith Block’s Life Over Cancer.
Hemi Weingarten, founder of Fooducate.
Fooducate was one of the first blogs I followed when starting mine. Fooducate has a fantastic IPhone app that rates food products like students.
Hemi’s daily reading:
LA Times Booster Shots is great, USA today, NY Times health (only a small % is food)
Marion Nestle's Food Politics is the best. She tells it like it is. It's Not About Nutrition by Dr. Dina Rose - amazing take on getting kids to eat well.
I also get good email roundups from:
Smartbrief for Nutritionists
Phil Lempert Supermarket Guru
Food Navigator
Progressive Grocer
My best source of topics though, comes from readers who alert me to things going on (commercials, ads, new products, etc.)
Christine Egan, editor in chief of Blisstree. I contribute to Blisstree weekly and find that we’re on the same page when it comes to snark. Blisstree doesn’t shy away from honesty with its content and for that reason I visit daily. I always end up with some great information and a chuckle (the non-edible variety).
Christine’s reading list:
The Guardian's website does great health video series:
NPR radio (pretty obvious)
Dr. Ayala is a pediatrician, artist, blogger, mom, and the creator of Herbal Water. Dr Ayala’s posts are so well referenced that it doesn’t surprise me she’s a voracious reader.
Dr Ayala’s reading list:
I read The New York Times and listen to NPR when I’m in the car or cooking. I go to the BBC for another perspective. I catch yesterday’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart when I’m exercising -- he makes the news more bearable.
Books: I’m addicted! If I don’t get an hour of reading my day is not complete!
Scientific magazines: I read mainly about nutrition and pediatrics (American J of Clinical Nutrition, Pediatrics), and go through the leading medical journals (NEJM, Circulation, Lancet, BMJ).
Twitter: Such an amazing way to meet new people and hear about what’s going on! Tweeps introduce me to news resources and new ideas I wouldn’t otherwise have known about.
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