So, Dr O can you explain this need to “go” when the mercury drops, is there a scientific explanation?
We have to pee more when it is cold because to maintain a core temperance, of around 98.7, our very smart bodies make the blood vessels close to the skin constrict to expose as little blood as possible to the cold. This results in more blood in circulation, being filtered by the kidneys, and so more urine is made. The opposite happens in the heat. The kidneys are so smart and so underrated!
And why do our noses run during exercise or out in the cold weather?
Our noses run in cold weather because cold air is normally a lot drier then hot steamy air so our noses produce more (in my case today A LOT more) fluids to keep the nose moist.
What do you see in the ER when it’s cold out?
Hypothermia is a big problem this time of year. We have already admitted someone to the ICU with it (he was homeless and drunk) but people need to know that when exercising, this time of year, to always have their phones and ID with them. Also, always tell someone that you are going out and what time to expect you back.
And finally (and most importantly, ha!) I heard cold weather can lead to weight loss, any truth to this?
Thanks Dr O, that’s exciting. The brown fat shows us the upside of cold weather, we just don’t want to get carried away in our pursuit of weight loss and end up like the homeless man in the ER with hypothermia!
Do you have any cold weather questions for Dr O? Do you have any things you feel your body does (or doesn’t do) when cold? And how friggin’ cool is brown fat?
Do you have any cold weather questions for Dr O? Do you have any things you feel your body does (or doesn’t do) when cold? And how friggin’ cool is brown fat?
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